Monday, June 29, 2009

Jeffrey is off camping with his buddy, Jeremy, for the next few days. He might be back on Weds, or he might not (I am guessing not). He will need clean clothes soon, but hey, what is summer with a smelly teenage boy running least he will be next to a lake, so bathing might occur by accident!
Lily has started day camp at Camp Wildcat today. She returned home, smiling, happy, and hungry. Yippeee!
I am child-free this week, and it is kind of delightful. The house settles down, the cats pick their napping spots, as do I, and we simply just home. Yippeee!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Loving summer vacation! I went out and treated myself to a professional pedicure, shopped for a gift at B&N (spent only $40!!!), mowed the lawan and reseeded it, and flipped the living room rug. Took a brief nap, flipped laundry, and just kinda "let go".
I am reflecting on the passings of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson...I have such sorrow for their families....but I am also thinking about who I was, and where I lived (and who I lived with) when they were super much of my life doesn't match where I was then...
Thank you to Smitty Smith, who loved me then...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I skipped an day (yesterday) because my son "graduated" from eight grade last night. It was a wonderful night, filled with joy for all he and his classmates had accomplished. Since I have known many of his mates since preschool, it was wonderful to watch them cross the stage as teenagers, walking towards their futures with sweetly innocent and excited faces.
Jeffrey received a Presidential Scholar award for academics. I am so very proud of him, he is a wonderful kid with a good head on his shoulders. I think he is going to have a blast at the high school, even with me in the building!
Lily has finished up at the elementary school today, it was a bittersweet moment (for me) when I picked her up after school, as I will no longer be driving to that school. We have moved on, but a tiny bit of me is sad...the passage of time and all.
Here's to summer and progress!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am looking right in the face of the end of the school year, it seems so very bittersweet this year.
My room is clean and wrapped and ready for summer's dust motes to fall, collecting as grey dust bunnies the size of cats. I am already dreaming of my classes for next fall...weird.
My students are gone (or going) and I have shoved them out of the nest towards their sophomore year, good luck to them all, but I am saddened by the lack of connection some of them have to school or life or anything.
Some of my favorite coworkers are leaving the school for bigger and better things, and while I am happy for them, I am sad for me. I know it is selfish, but the older I get, the harder it is to find truth and love for real. Too many people have two or three or eight faces in the crowd, and it is exhausting to interact with them. Such a tangled web we all weave...
Summer is beginning to burst out of my subconsciousness...I will bloom.

Monday, June 22, 2009

It is raining a great deal in NH these days...just about every day for the last week or so. Mnay people are grumbling about the wet weather, but here are a few positive aspects the rain creates for me:
I am really enjoying the rain, as it is the perfect weather to finish out a school year, the kids are not sweating to death, or whining to get outside. Finals week putt-putts along, and the end beckons to all...
The rain makes my lawn and garden look fantastic, without much labor. The plants are full and green, and the lawn is trying to fill in the brown bald spots created by my hubby (when he was full of passion and poison for ant killing...oops, he burned the lawn!)

I keep thinking about how many people in the world do not have access to clean(?) or fresh water on a daily basis. I am grateful that I can turn on my faucet (upstairs or downstairs) and drink to my belly's contentment.

I like to listen to "The Rain song" by led Zepplin, and take long restful naps.

What are your thoughts on the rain? 'Cause I can't stop the rain...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well, if I can write on Twitter once a day, I think I can do the same here. Welcome to Parsontisms...where I just blab about whatever is on my mind in the moment. Today: Happy Father's Day. I miss my dad, but know that he is very proud of me, and what I have become. I love my husband, as he is a fantastic father to our kids. He wanted to be a father, he wanted to be a good father, and he has done it. He is a great father, and our kids are very very blessed.