Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I was so busy yesterday that I fell asleep (snoring) before I posted on FB, Twitter or my blog!

I went to my amazing class at UNH (the one that is killing my hand with writing) and listen to one of my classmates deliver a keynote speech about rubrics and grading and assessments. She really reaffirmed to me that my own methods of assessment and feedback on student writing is the real connection that we build in our classrooms. It seems that all the mandates and required elements and rubrics detach us from the human interaction that teaching is supposed to be all about. Empowering!

When we broke for lunch, a gaggle of us headed over to the new and improved Memorial Union Building (MUB) dining arena. We stopped at the front desk to get the low-down on what this eatery had to offer...which is massive. It is all you can eat for $10, and it is a food court beyond compare. Several of us wanted to check it out before committing, just a look-see at the all the bounty offered to us. While we were standing there with our salivating jaws hitting the of our classmates came over and said: "Lunch is on me!"

This kind man had used some of his dining credits to treat us to lunch. He kept saying that he wasn't going to use all of his meal credits anyways, so he bought us lunch. It was the most gracious act of giving I have received in a long time, unprompted, unexpected, and so appreciated. We all had a ball selecting our lunch, and then sitting at a table together, getting to know each other. Thank you D, for your generous and loving spirit!

The Secret is: positive begets positive!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice treat for all of you! Something like that can just make your whole week!
